Helping out and doing your bit for nature can also provide you with a great sense of achievement. Here are a few ways you can get involved today such as signing a petition, volunteering for us, taking a challenge or campaigning with us.
It is paramount to understand the complexity of environmental
projects and how they can be beneficial. Environmental projects
require a thorough examination of the problem, as well as an
understanding about what type of project will address it best.
With this in mind, we want to highlight some upcoming projects:
Bird Identification and birdhouses
Catalogue of native medicinal plants
Vegetation Monitoring
Identification of local birds and studying the habitats & nesting needs of birds. Construct and maintain the nesting needs of the birds wherever it's necessary, getting the information from local administration and helping to assess the health of native bird species.
Wayanad, Kerala
Research and Identification of native plants with medicinal properties. Detailed analysis of plant structure and growth, the chemical properties of medicinal plants, and the local environment. Draw connections between the environment and its human inhabitants to create a written catalogue of medicinal plants.
North East India
Discover how watershed restoration projects can improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Implementation of appropriate vegetation monitoring techniques in order to evaluate the health of these sites. Assisting a local govt by monitoring a restoration project and submitting the data to the concerned department.
If you want to make an impact, don't just change your social
media profile picture. Change the world. Here's how