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India's Environmental Challenges

It is essential to make the public aware of how environmental degradation can have a devastating effect on our society and future generations if we don't take action now.

The India needs to wake up and become more environmentally conscious. Some of the major challenges that we are facing today include:

  1. Poverty: For centuries, India has been a land of extreme poverty and environmental degradation. The two problems often go hand-in-hand; the dire situation we find today was not always this way - it took decades for the country to reach its Current State from 1960s when there were only 18 million people living on less than $1 per day! Environment degradation is a serious issue for the world's poorest people. To them, every child becomes an earner and helper as they depend on resources around them to survive in such harsh environments with little global concern from those who have power or privilege over these issues.

  2. Agricultural Growth: Agriculture is a necessary part of our society's infrastructure, but it has come at the expense of damaging the environment. One reason for this trend can be attributed to high-yielding varieties which create soil salinity and damage physical structure in soils over time because these plants are designed with an increased yield per acre where most other farming techniques would not produce enough food or even any at all given certain conditions like heavy rainfall that limits crop production on topsoil quality due its concentration mostly coming from deep deposits rather than surface minerals derived through weathering processes alone.

  3. Growing Population: Population growth is a huge problem and it will continue to be so for decades. The UN estimates that, if current trends continue unchecked by any means necessary measures including birth control or otherwise reducing population levels through migration restrictions among other things, humans could number over 2 billion in India - yes you read correctly! The greatest challenge before us now must surely include limiting populations where possible but even this does not necessarily lead automatically towards economic development which itself can help bring down fertility rates in subsequent generations.

  4. Forests and Development: Forests serve as a vital resource that can be harnessed to provide water for irrigation. However, increasing demand is leading India towards large projects which will submerge forest land; displace local people and damage flora & fauna in the process. The fate of this forest is a conflict between the needs and wants for water in India. The dams on rivers like Narmada, Bhagerathi and elsewhere have become areas with intense political debate over their future use; however there's been little talk about what will happen when these forests shrink even more due to pressures such as agriculture or other uses that are driving vast amounts away every day. These once green landscapes stand today only because we had enough time before they were lost forever so let us not forget how precious each moment could be if preserved.

  5. Land Degradation: Out of the 329 mha total land, only 266 have potential for production. Of this 143 are agricultural and 85 suffer from varying degrees soil degradation. Out of remaining 123 mha, 40 cannot produce anything due to being unproductive or too degraded for any significant yields. Out with a bang as usual! This time we're talking about agriculture in India where over half (55%)of all available arable land is categorized as ‘highly erodible’ – meaning it will require frequent supplements if left untended which can quite often lead farmers into financial ruin without enough rain annually.

  6. Consequences of Urbanization: The rapid urbanization of India is leading to a great number and variety pollution problems that need urgent attention. Over 30% (30%) Indian population lives in slums, most with no access or treatment for sewage; this can be attributed largely due influxes from rural areas who move into major concentrations before they're fully developed themselves — contributing greatly towards environmental decay while also facing greater risk than those living outside such settlements.

  7. Water and Air Population: Our industrial plants are out-dated and population technologies that lack the necessary facilities to treat their wastes. A great number of cities have been identified as being among those with worst air pollution, while many other areas throughout India also suffer from water shortages due in large part because industries aren't treating waste properly which leaves them without enough natural resources for consumption or reuse. To effectively enforce the country's laws, it is necessary to have a well thought out and executed plan. This means that there needs be sufficient resources available for implementation as well as social awareness of these rules on everyone's part so they can get behind what needs done in order make them workable realities within our society.


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